The end of trimester is coming and you know, I am a
bit disappointed. There were some subjects, which were awful, but also few that
I like. The Vocabulary of modern English was one them. It is very strange filling, the same as when
you were child and someone took your
toy. You know that there will be other toys but I already take to it.
Dear first year students, I am
writing this blog directly to you. There are two main topics, which are brief summary and some pieces of advice.
I honestly
think that it is one of the most important courses for your future profession.
in mind that reach vocabulary is your way to success in
the sphere
of foreign languages. This
course will help you to become familiar with such topics as feelings, body language, business, proverbs,
education, news, travelling, history, wars, environment, health, food, appearance
and characters. It’s
just question of practice. Do not
repeat my mistakes!!! Practice makes perfect,
30 minutes per day and you will complete
your course with flying colors.
However, it is a rough idea.
You are not supposed to be a bookworm.
Student’s life is not only about getting
and doing your homework. It is my
firm conviction that these four years shape you for the rest of your lives.
I take the view that the more problems
you have the more experienced you will. That is why I combine my studying with
sport and work in the student brotherhood. However, despite all benefits such
way of life has some drawbacks. These activities takes a lot of time. It is not
as easy as ABC, sometimes you need
to burn the midnight oil in order to
sit your exams, sometimes you need
to play hooky to make the grade, even to be a copycat, which is dishonorably for all
students. Nevertheless, from the other side, I am the second year student and in
the same time, I am the Khmelnitsky region champion in bench-pressing among
juniors and the head of security department of the Student’s Brotherhood.