середа, 29 квітня 2015 р.

Final blog

The end of trimester is coming and you know, I am a bit disappointed. There were some subjects, which were awful, but also few that I like. The Vocabulary of modern English was one them.  It is very strange filling, the same as when you were child and someone took your toy.  You know that there will be other toys but I already take to it.
            Dear first year students, I am writing this blog directly to you. There are two main topics, which are brief summary and some pieces of advice.  I honestly think that it is one of the most important courses for your future profession. Bear in mind that reach vocabulary is your way to success in the sphere of foreign languages. This course will help you to become familiar with such topics as feelings, body language, business, proverbs, education, news, travelling, history, wars, environment, health, food, appearance and characters. It’s just question of practice. Do not repeat my mistakes!!! Practice makes perfect, 30 minutes per day and you will complete your course with flying colors.

              However, it is a rough idea. You are not supposed to be a bookworm. Student’s life is not only about getting and doing your homework. It is my firm conviction that these four years shape you for the rest of your lives. I take the view that the more problems you have the more experienced you will. That is why I combine my studying with sport and work in the student brotherhood. However, despite all benefits such way of life has some drawbacks. These activities takes a lot of time. It is not as easy as ABC, sometimes you need to burn the midnight oil in order to sit your exams, sometimes you need to play hooky to make the grade, even to be a copycat, which is dishonorably for all students. Nevertheless, from the other side, I am the second year student and in the same time, I am the Khmelnitsky region champion in bench-pressing among juniors and the head of security department of the Student’s Brotherhood.
         You create your own life. If you will be determined enough, ambitious enough you will be able to achieve all your goals. The only right way to build a good base for it – is proper education. Therefore, I hope my pieces of advice will be useful for you. Good luck!

субота, 25 квітня 2015 р.

It is no longer secret that we are killing our planet. In twenty first century, such things like earthquakes, tidal waves, tsunamis, droughts, floods, typhoons are becoming widespread effects. What is the background of these issues? How humanity influence it and can the situation be changed?
Lets find a long – term solution to avoid an environmental catastrophe, dire consequences and save public health.  Is it really a daunting task?

Our vehicles has a harmful emissions. When gas is burned, harmful unneeded carbon dioxide spills into atmosphere, destroying ozone layer. As a consequence, temperatures  soar above average and we have  irreversible climate change, acid rains, specious become endangered, people suffer widespread flooding and at last global worming(greenhouse effect). How to find a solution?
To reduce our carbon footprint we should use eco – friendly cars, fuel from renewable resources or find alternative energy sources.

Secondly, I want to emphasize the importance of recycling wastes, especially not bio gradable. It takes many years for some litter to decomporize. In this way we can protect bio diversity and prevent the extinction of many species.
Finally, the problem of oil consumption is very serious. Our non-renewable oil supplies  will run dry.  Such G7 countries like China and USA, which emit more harmful substances to our atmosphere on a regular basis, should be fined and pay green taxes.


How to be healthy? This question is one of the most often asked nowadays. This topic connected to the student’s lifestyle, because it is very important to save health while you are young.
We are what we eat. Sixty percent of health depends on our everyday meal. That is why right diet is important. Firstly, forget about junk food and ready food. Try to cook for yourself. Your diet must be high in proteins and law in cholesterol. If no, there is a chance of heart illnesses and as a result heart attacks. Secondly, try to eat small portions, which include vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, and spinach), fish (cod, salmon) and meat. In addition, very important is to eat at least five different vegetables a day and three different kinds of fish that will provide you with proteins, vitamins and right amount of calories due to its high nutritional value. Try not to have quick snacks. GM foods and refreshing drinks must be forbidden. However, it’s all not about eating, doing exercises also significant part of healthy lifestyle. Going in for sport will help you to have a healthy appetite. It is not obvious to attend a gym. Simple push-ups and squads will help you always keep feet working out even at home.

I am sure that doing this few easy steps will substantial improve your health.


It was a typical day in office. The young well built, round faced, well - dressed man was standing near the photocopier holding a cup of coffee. He seemed to be smart and intelligent but his disheveled hair shows that the previous night was sleepless; he was worried about something. Few minutes later slim, blonde hair women came to the office. She was quite relaxed and easygoing.  All who were present knew that they had an affair. Being honest, it’s needless to say that she was not very sincere with him. He had a razor – sharp mind and lost his patience after theirs last meeting.  
He was crazy about her; he thought she was his type. After few months, they decided to live together. Maybe it was a snap decision. They loved each other unconditionally. She had a heart of gold and striking appearance but despite of these facts something went wrong. There was no mutual respect between them. Very soon, they became bored with each other. He decided to keep contact with his friends and she became the object of somebody’s love.  After couple of weeks, they broke up.  
That day was a typical day in office, except one thing. She accepted her new friend proposal. He stand still near the photocopier and tried to revise all that things. He even didn’t  want to put himself into his shoes.  He thought: good luck, man, and started laughing.

вівторок, 3 лютого 2015 р.


We are at war. This war broke out in the eastern part of our country because of aggression of Russian Federation. They conduct a campaign in order to capture our territory. Don’t you think that this situation is not for the first time? Those who do not know past have no future. That is why I want to write about great Ukrainian political activist and leader of the Ukrainian nationalist and independence movement Stepan Andriyovych Bandera. At the beginning of the 20-th century Ukraine suffered from neighbour countries, especially from Poland and Russia. Young people all over country decided to release our motherland and Stepan Bandera was one of them. He became a member of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). It was fundamental organization in our independence war. He served very well, was determined and reliable and very soon became the head of military branch in OUN. When the second World War began, OUN split into two factions—the Melnyk faction led by Andriy Melnyk(OUN-M), and the Bandera faction led by S. Bandera, which supported a revolutionary approach(OUN-B). As you understand, Bandera decided to start armed combat against Soviet Russia. He published manifesto on the 30 of June 1941, it was about proclamation of independence. It means that he declared war to Soviet Union, and he should prepare new state for this war. As a result, on 14-th of October 1942 The Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) appeared. UPA is the best rebel army in the world. US military forces consider theirs operations to be the ideal example of “David versus Goliath” combat. Even now, many armies use strategy of UPA. However, after war, Soviets turn all theirs power against OUN and their army (UPA). However, UPA was very strong at that time and Russian authority decided to do what they can do best – to cheat and to be bastards. They killed all commanders of UPA, and army was without a head. They killed The UPA's leader, Roman Shukhevych, he was killed during an ambush near Lviv on March 5, 1950, and after Shukhevich's death the UPA rapidly lost its fighting capability. Stepan Bandera changed his living place six times(!) and stopped in Munich, Germany. Even there by a KGB agent Bohdan Stashynsky founded him and murdered.
 I wrote this story just to warn you, there are no rules at war, especially when this war against Russia


Herman Weiss

        Dear Victoria,
       I promised to write you a letter when everything will be okay. Do you remember me? My name is Herman Weiss; you helped my family when we came from Austria-Hungary almost a year ago. Many people were fleeing the war, and we were not exceptions. We are not refugees, but my father decided to seek refuge in America.  He knew that there are many ethnic groups in US, and among them Germans. In addition, America is perfect choice for emigrants; there is no discrimination and deportation.  Then my father started to look for a boat. At first, we travelled by a fishing boat, then by a yacht, which delivered us to the big port where we found the captain of American liner; we paid him a lot for a cabin and the next we saw the ground was in the docks of New York.
       It is very hard to distinguish us from the Native Americans. The sense of culture shock is disappear. Maybe becoming US citizen was my faith. Who knows? We have successfully integrated in our new lifestyle. My father is a mechanic at the service station, mother is a housewife, as for me, I am student; I have strong desire to studying. In general, things are going its usual way. I am very grateful for your help; I am looking forward for your answer.
Yours Herman.