субота, 22 листопада 2014 р.


Three months past very quickly and our “Vocabulary of modern English” course ends in a week.  I want to make brief summary of our work. We made real effort to achieve some results.  Strong accent was made on learning and using new vocabulary.  Now I can talk about feelings, body language, business, proverbs, also, I improved my writing skills.  Easier said than done, there were also some difficulties.  The main concern was to remember all surging amount of words. At the beginning of the course it was utter chaos inside my head. But I decided not to be off – putting, even so I was trying to be as active as it was possible. By the way, all subgroup achieved great results. What is more, it was the most interesting classes I had during the year. Actually, we do a lot of funny activities, such as playing games, singing songs, etc. I looked on my watch very rare and it means a lot. Broadly speaking, I never got bored there; besides, there a lot of classes I’m interested in, but in any case vocabulary was kind of stress – off subject.
It gave me good background to continue studying English. The more, the merrier. The more words I’ll learn, the better language I’ll have. It is my aim, and future profession. I feel ecstatic about it.  A lot of my group mates often appalled by the workloads, the same as I, but we do not want to let ourselves down. At any rate, we will get our diplomas and make dreams come true.

newspaper post

If to be honest there were no any considerable difficulties in preparation to this event. Strong accent was made on right pronunciation and word formation. Homiak I. M. was present on this lection and said that it was a great honour for him. Students made real efforts to show themselves from the best side. Main concern was if they take their final results and if they would be fine, but there were all familiar faces and no reasons to nervous. It was a classic example of team work.

AS a matter of fact, there were some drawbacks, but in general all was perfect. Easier sad than done, as the proverb says, so do not think that it was an easy walk. Somehow, they were managed to succeed and get good marks. As I was saying, this event ended better than anyone can expect,

five pictures story

If to make story of this pictures, I think the best idea is to write about the greatest men’s passions which are travelling, cars, history and technology. We can see on the picture such things as car, notebook, some landscape view and man in his national costume.
I feel ecstatic about cars. I was jubilant when I got my driving license almost a year ago. Driving a car reduces stress for me. I have no my own car, but my father has two, so one is free all the time, and it is perfect.
Also I’m fond of computers. They have an impact on whole our life. Older people stunned because of the opportunities which computers can give. If you want to consult an expert in doing something, internet will help you.
Travelling is a great thing to do. It allows to live one’s life fool.  What can be better than opening some new places and countries, new cultures and people?

Last but not less important is history. One who don’t now past has no future. It is very important to know your own tradition. I can’t stand reading historic novels and watching films. 

If I had a company....

If I had a company, what it would be?
Firstly, I need to decide in what sphere my company will be working.  I think it will be selling of used cars. The pros and cons of such kind of activity are clear. We’ll by old cars, repair them and sold to someone. My income will surge quickly. The rules of the organization will be very simple:
- If you are absent without any reasons you are fired;
- Handover and neglect are forbidden;
- No disputes at the workplace.
The motto will be: Bad ride is better than a good walk.
            On my opinion we will have some benefits package available for the best workers. Salary will be depend on how one’s working, but company pension scheme, maternity and paternity leave, subsidized canteen will be offered to all of them.
            There are few positions available, among them main mechanic, two younger mechanics and a cook for canteen.

            All employers must be hard working and determined, with the skills of working with cars.

вівторок, 21 жовтня 2014 р.

body language

         There were few types of language, and body language is one of the most interesting. It consists of combination of gestures. They display your feelings and emotions even when you don’t want to show them. For example going red shows that you are angry and eye contact shows that you are interested in something.
Knowing body language is the password to understanding one’s thoughts.  Alternatively, this is the key which helps you to guess who is lying. In any case it is useful to differ what gestures are talking about. You can never tell what is on one’s mind but you can always make some decisions relying on your knowledge of body language.
       You can see the pictures of politicians that I choose for this post, because they use special body language in order to persuade us in something. All famous people who are doing politics take special lessons where they are taught to use the right gestures, that shows theirs power and rightness. Adolf Hitler even took these classes in theatre, and then he learned how to manipulate people by body language.
       As I was saying, it is very important to know this “art of speaking without words”, and if you managed to do this, I’m sure it will bring you enormous benefits.


It goes without saying that books are essential in our life, education and entertainment. Even now, when technologies are greatly developed, paper literature still is one of the best ways to spend your free time. Can you imagine something more useful for student than a book? It is a great partnership due to which productivity of studying is better. Also books can take you to any place you want. Good imagination and good book is fantastic combination. If to be honest, there were only a few good books in my life, but they changed me, made me better.

Proverbs says “A library is a repository of medicine for the mind.” It means that books cure our souls the same way as medicines helps our bodies.  
 As an old saying goes, man cannot live on bread alone. Books are the source of knowledge and the means of self -perfection. Sometimes it is difficult to solve some problems in life. I think that books can help us. Books must be our friends during all our life.

субота, 27 вересня 2014 р.

Letter to the students from the past.

Hello, this topic is about how to learn English in the world of modern technologies.  We are not native speakers, so we are facing a lot of problems during our studying.  My mother tongue is Ukrainian; it is official language in my country.  But knowing only one language can make you cut off from the whole world. Especially, when foreign language is international language of business, science, culture and sport. Such language is English, and I’d like to say about new ways of learning it.
The Internet took the first place among all ways of learning English. It’s very difficult to tell the difference between them, but I can choose few of them. http://graphwords.com/ is ideal online service for finding synonyms
Also, such service as http://www.just-the-word.com/ can provide you with word clouds. You don’t need paper vocabularies anymore..         

So, all these tools will help you to develop your English. You can have level of language suitable for small talks or for international business. You can get hold of many people all over the world and communicate with them successfully.  All doors are open for successful people and all windows are open for losers.  Work hard and be successful. 

неділя, 14 вересня 2014 р.

Another task (fairy tail)

I’m not good at making stories, especially tales, so I decided to rewrite an old Ukrainian fairy-tail about two girls, good and bad one. But instead of girls I will put dictionaries into this story.
So, there was a boy, he had two dictionaries. One of them was “Longman Dictionary of contemporary English” and another was full of abuse words. That boy was young; he was absorbing information with enormous speed. The teacher asked why he used both books. Boy just shrugged shoulders. He said that he didn’t know how to compare them. It is very easy - said a teacher – ask them for a favour, and leave those who will help you. Boy nodded head.
The next day he asked each of them to translate the text in order to recognize which is better. Longman Dictionary was excellent, he did all work immediately, and he explained all unknown words and made good reputation to himself. Boy even raised his eyebrows to show how surprised he is. Then the second one started. He was severe. He commits himself to do all the work but did nothing. That seemed pointless. That was a big mistake. Boy noticed that final decision was clear. He told this story to his teacher and she assures him that abuse dictionary should be gone. That day the second dictionary was hanged head.

The conclusion is that hard working ones always are successful, but those who are lazy achieved nothing.  

неділя, 7 вересня 2014 р.

1.0 For the first time

     Hello. This is my first try of making blogs. This is part of my university task in developing my speaking skills. I'm a second year student of foreign languages department in the National University of Ostroh Academy, Ukraine. I consider it to be the great idea. I will be doing this not only for studying, but also for my own pleassure. I hope it will help me to find new pen friends and find out something new and interesting  all over the world. I'm sure that I'll continue doing it after finishing this course.
     So, I was supposed to  make a post about my first vocabulary lesson. This educational course was firstly appeared only one week ago.  I was looking forward this course. Even torrential rain couldn't spoilt my mood, while I was going to the academy. All of us were in utter chaos, because we didn't know how hard it will be. But after a brief summary our fears disappeared. We saw that there weren't any considerable difficulties. Strong accent was made on learning new words and how to use them.

     In general, I'm very satisfied with the lesson. In the future I'll write not only about lessons but also about something interesting that happens around me.