субота, 27 вересня 2014 р.

Letter to the students from the past.

Hello, this topic is about how to learn English in the world of modern technologies.  We are not native speakers, so we are facing a lot of problems during our studying.  My mother tongue is Ukrainian; it is official language in my country.  But knowing only one language can make you cut off from the whole world. Especially, when foreign language is international language of business, science, culture and sport. Such language is English, and I’d like to say about new ways of learning it.
The Internet took the first place among all ways of learning English. It’s very difficult to tell the difference between them, but I can choose few of them. http://graphwords.com/ is ideal online service for finding synonyms
Also, such service as http://www.just-the-word.com/ can provide you with word clouds. You don’t need paper vocabularies anymore..         

So, all these tools will help you to develop your English. You can have level of language suitable for small talks or for international business. You can get hold of many people all over the world and communicate with them successfully.  All doors are open for successful people and all windows are open for losers.  Work hard and be successful. 

неділя, 14 вересня 2014 р.

Another task (fairy tail)

I’m not good at making stories, especially tales, so I decided to rewrite an old Ukrainian fairy-tail about two girls, good and bad one. But instead of girls I will put dictionaries into this story.
So, there was a boy, he had two dictionaries. One of them was “Longman Dictionary of contemporary English” and another was full of abuse words. That boy was young; he was absorbing information with enormous speed. The teacher asked why he used both books. Boy just shrugged shoulders. He said that he didn’t know how to compare them. It is very easy - said a teacher – ask them for a favour, and leave those who will help you. Boy nodded head.
The next day he asked each of them to translate the text in order to recognize which is better. Longman Dictionary was excellent, he did all work immediately, and he explained all unknown words and made good reputation to himself. Boy even raised his eyebrows to show how surprised he is. Then the second one started. He was severe. He commits himself to do all the work but did nothing. That seemed pointless. That was a big mistake. Boy noticed that final decision was clear. He told this story to his teacher and she assures him that abuse dictionary should be gone. That day the second dictionary was hanged head.

The conclusion is that hard working ones always are successful, but those who are lazy achieved nothing.  

неділя, 7 вересня 2014 р.

1.0 For the first time

     Hello. This is my first try of making blogs. This is part of my university task in developing my speaking skills. I'm a second year student of foreign languages department in the National University of Ostroh Academy, Ukraine. I consider it to be the great idea. I will be doing this not only for studying, but also for my own pleassure. I hope it will help me to find new pen friends and find out something new and interesting  all over the world. I'm sure that I'll continue doing it after finishing this course.
     So, I was supposed to  make a post about my first vocabulary lesson. This educational course was firstly appeared only one week ago.  I was looking forward this course. Even torrential rain couldn't spoilt my mood, while I was going to the academy. All of us were in utter chaos, because we didn't know how hard it will be. But after a brief summary our fears disappeared. We saw that there weren't any considerable difficulties. Strong accent was made on learning new words and how to use them.

     In general, I'm very satisfied with the lesson. In the future I'll write not only about lessons but also about something interesting that happens around me.