суботу, 25 квітня 2015 р.


How to be healthy? This question is one of the most often asked nowadays. This topic connected to the student’s lifestyle, because it is very important to save health while you are young.
We are what we eat. Sixty percent of health depends on our everyday meal. That is why right diet is important. Firstly, forget about junk food and ready food. Try to cook for yourself. Your diet must be high in proteins and law in cholesterol. If no, there is a chance of heart illnesses and as a result heart attacks. Secondly, try to eat small portions, which include vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, and spinach), fish (cod, salmon) and meat. In addition, very important is to eat at least five different vegetables a day and three different kinds of fish that will provide you with proteins, vitamins and right amount of calories due to its high nutritional value. Try not to have quick snacks. GM foods and refreshing drinks must be forbidden. However, it’s all not about eating, doing exercises also significant part of healthy lifestyle. Going in for sport will help you to have a healthy appetite. It is not obvious to attend a gym. Simple push-ups and squads will help you always keep feet working out even at home.

I am sure that doing this few easy steps will substantial improve your health.

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